1.   And if she said otherwise, the lawyer asked, would that be a lie?

2.   Attorney General Richard Coles said officials will only look into the case if asked by the Canadian government, the paper said.

3.   That was what federation president Bob Colarossi said, whenever he was asked about it.

4.   Annan stands ready to help efforts to reduce tensions and promote mutual confidence, if asked to take a role, he said.

5.   Other officials said a Peruvian air force officer aboard the surveillance plane moved too quickly to request authority to direct the use of force.

6.   As Yilmaz flew to the United States, European Commission President Jacques Santer said asking Turkey to be nice to Greece and help reunify Cyprus were reasonable demands.

7.   Asked earlier Monday how he would respond if asked to assume the role of prime minister, Raffarin said it would be impossible to turn down.

8.   Because Fujimori possesses Japanese citizenship, Japan will not hand him over to Peru if asked to do so, the ministry said.

9.   Britain would provide troops and lead the proposed multinational peacekeeping force in Afghanistan if asked, the Ministry of Defense said Saturday.

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