1.   Bin Laden, a Saudi exile, is thought to be living in Afghanistan.

2.   Bin Laden is a Saudi exile suspected of using his great wealth to finance terrorist activities.

3.   Bin Laden, a Saudi exile, is now living in Afghanistan.

4.   Bin Laden is the Saudi exile who is suspected by authorities of masterminding the embassy attacks.

5.   Bin Laden, a Saudi exile who lives in Afghanistan, has publicly announced his plans to attack Americans, and U.S. authorities believe he directed the embassy bombings.

6.   A group of Taliban clerics, however, has asked the Saudi exile to leave voluntarily.

7.   But that would leave unfinished the taks of finding Saudi exile Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda leaders.

8.   FBI agents from New York were hard at work building a criminal case against the Saudi exile.

9.   Four defendants are charged in a terrorism conspiracy that prosecutors say was led by the Saudi exile Osama bin Laden and included the embassy attacks.

10.   German officials said there was no evidence so far that directly linked the suspects to Osama bin Laden, the militant Islamic leader who is a Saudi exile.

a. + exile >>共 266
cuban 28.80%
self-imposed 12.85%
saudi 6.20%
political 3.73%
tibetan 3.10%
internal 2.24%
iranian 2.18%
anti-castro 2.01%
iraqi 1.95%
cuban-american 1.20%
saudi + n. >>共 618
official 9.51%
authority 6.50%
government 5.09%
capital 3.07%
man 2.42%
family 2.40%
exile 2.02%
security 1.74%
millionaire 1.67%
proposal 1.65%
每页显示:    共 107