1.   The other outstanding success of the voyage so far was the performance of our little satellite radio.

2.   Unexpectedly, the satellite radio helped to solve the cash crisis.

3.   Although the car is the main target for satellite radio, home units will be available.

4.   At first, satellite radios for cars will be offered in expensive models.

5.   Bidding for these satellite radio licenses likely will start at several million dollars apiece, FCC officials said.

6.   But Jacobs said the threat of satellite radio may also help push traditional radio stations to convert their age-old analog signals to digital.

7.   Capobianco and Abrams say they expect satellite radio to catch on more quickly than cable TV.

8.   CD Radio Inc. may get a satellite radio broadcasting license, as soon as Thursday, that would clear the way for launch of the first nationwide radio station.

9.   Fred Jacobs, a radio industry consultant, said there are still no clear signals to predict whether satellite radio will become a hit with consumers.

10.   Get a load of satellite radio -- all music, all the time.

n. + radio >>共 213
army 27.55%
talk 17.94%
government 7.21%
car 6.62%
ham 3.92%
rebel 3.63%
police 2.70%
satellite 2.60%
sport 2.21%
short-wave 1.91%
satellite + n. >>共 472
dish 10.56%
system 4.89%
service 4.53%
company 3.98%
telephone 3.86%
television 3.61%
phone 3.25%
photo 2.74%
image 2.28%
communication 2.21%
radio 0.93%
每页显示:    共 53