1.   The partners supplying the lead steps in samba soccer claim to be close as brothers.

2.   This time, the Brazilians did not play samba soccer.

3.   Gone was samba soccer, as injuries and club commitments prevented coach Emerson Leao from using such players as Ronaldo, Romario and Juninho.

4.   It was samba soccer at its very best, played with style and substance.

5.   The samba soccer, the sheer joy of a dribble, the speed and grace and carnival celebration of a goal, defined who they were.

n. + soccer >>共 80
world 23.30%
club 11.47%
season 8.96%
youth 6.45%
college 4.30%
play 3.94%
quality 2.51%
beach 1.79%
league 1.79%
samba 1.79%
samba + n. >>共 33
band 12.75%
beat 8.82%
school 8.82%
group 6.86%
rhythm 5.88%
music 4.90%
drum 4.90%
line 4.90%
parade 4.90%
soccer 4.90%
每页显示:    共 5