1.   As the samba music rolled through the rooms, sisters Jane and Aerin Lauder chatted quietly at the foot of the stairs.

2.   It once told Rounder Records, a popular roots label based in Cambridge, Mass., to pull and repackage its CD of samba music.

3.   You can find Web stations that play nothing but cowboy music, or reggae, soft jazz, African tribal music, or Latin American samba music.

4.   It was the first of a series of nightclubs in Rio and Sao Paulo that featured samba music and dancers.

5.   This year, there was samba music in the Tuileries garden, punk rock at Chatelet, and accordion players in the Palais Royal.

n. + music >>共 466
rock 13.75%
rap 7.84%
dance 7.21%
background 6.66%
world 2.87%
organ 1.94%
theme 1.69%
techno 1.64%
salsa 1.60%
elevator 1.31%
samba 0.21%
samba + n. >>共 33
band 12.75%
beat 8.82%
school 8.82%
group 6.86%
rhythm 5.88%
music 4.90%
drum 4.90%
line 4.90%
parade 4.90%
soccer 4.90%
每页显示:    共 5