1.   Another substitution is using salsa verde instead of green chiles.

2.   Arrange on platter with vinaigrette, salsa verde or aioli alongside.

3.   Drain briefly on paper towel, and serve with salsa verde.

4.   Drizzle with salsa verde.

5.   Grilled turbot with bubble and squeak comes with a salsa verde.

6.   Herbed vinaigrette, salsa verde or aioli, optional.

7.   His consideration of the forms that faith assumes embraces everything from a gleaming Thunderbird to ritualistically arranged jars of salsa verde.

8.   Otro plato famoso es anguila en salsa verde.

9.   Somehow, the food gets to the dining table with only an occasional minor eruption of chicken gravy or salsa verde.

n. + verde >>共 15
salsa 37.50%
caldo 8.33%
anguila 4.17%
azul 4.17%
chile 4.17%
chili 4.17%
e 4.17%
en 4.17%
mojo 4.17%
muy 4.17%
salsa + n. >>共 75
music 19.10%
band 9.55%
singer 8.04%
verde 4.52%
club 4.02%
beat 2.51%
star 2.51%
musician 2.01%
album 2.01%
bar 2.01%
每页显示:    共 9