1.   Breakfast is a buffet, and there is a salad buffet and choice of dinner menu in the evening.

2.   Breakfast is a buffet, dinner is three courses with a choice of main course and a salad buffet.

3.   Breakfast is buffet style and inner is three courses plus a salad buffet, with a choice of main course.

4.   Dinner is three courses with a salad buffet.

5.   Evening meals consist of excellent traditional dishes, and always include an extensive salad buffet.

6.   There is a buffet breakfast and a wide choice of main courses at dinner, plus a salad buffet.

7.   Sulfites were taken off salad buffets because people were having severe allergic reactions.

n. + buffet >>共 67
breakfast 23.56%
dessert 6.32%
midnight 6.32%
hotel 4.02%
lunch 4.02%
salad 4.02%
brunch 2.87%
luncheon 2.87%
seafood 2.87%
holiday 2.30%
salad + n. >>共 106
bowl 25.16%
green 13.01%
plate 8.53%
ingredient 4.69%
sandwich 4.69%
spinner 4.26%
recipe 2.35%
mix 1.92%
fork 1.92%
leaf 1.71%
buffet 1.49%
每页显示:    共 7