1.   A spokesman said that the company had improved its safety standards.

2.   All our products meet the current safety standards.

3.   Border Patrol officials say the vests meet safety standards.

4.   He set the wage levels, the production targets, the safety standards, and he really planned the whole industry.

5.   Hickson take pride in their ability to solve technical problems quickly while maintaining the highest safety standards.

6.   I fully endorse the measures taken to improve safety standards.

7.   Male speaker I fear that safety standards will go down the drain as people seek to make most profit.

8.   Management has let safety standards slide at the factory.

9.   Management has let safety standards slide at the plant.

10.   Safety standards are simply not being maintained.

n. + standard >>共 870
safety 13.26%
industry 4.60%
quality 3.94%
labor 3.67%
fuel 2.34%
health 2.34%
performance 2.22%
air 2.09%
emission 1.92%
world 1.77%
safety + n. >>共 393
standard 5.97%
concern 4.85%
measure 3.94%
board 3.27%
issue 2.85%
regulation 2.66%
rule 2.61%
problem 2.56%
reason 2.49%
official 2.31%
每页显示:    共 618