1.   Attempting either the monograms or the cameos requires eight tools, among them a linoleum cutter, a melon baller and a sabre saw.

2.   A sabre saw is a welcome addition to any tool kit.

3.   Most common sabre saws have top grips.

4.   Sabre saws are usually sold with all-purpose blades.

5.   The sabre saw was originally designed to be a hand-held jigsaw for curved and free-hand cuts.

n. + saw >>共 148
table 15.72%
power 10.38%
reporter 6.60%
hand 3.77%
saber 2.20%
arm 1.57%
scene 1.57%
sabre 1.57%
grout 1.26%
rip 1.26%
sabre + n. >>共 20
coach 22.00%
manager 14.00%
saw 10.00%
defenseman 8.00%
center 6.00%
goalie 6.00%
title 6.00%
fan 4.00%
arm 2.00%
captain 2.00%
每页显示:    共 5