1.   Dole overcame both rural poverty and, even more remarkably, war wounds that might have killed a lesser person.

2.   For forty years villagers have streamed into its fetid blocks, seeking to escape rural poverty.

3.   People come to the capital seeking to escape rural poverty.

4.   Rowntree attempted no detailed quantification of rural poverty, in view of the wide scope of his inquiry.

5.   Scattered about, a few large, forlorn sunflowers make a game attempt to brighten a scene of dismal rural poverty.

6.   There, governors were aggressively courting companies like Rohr to help offset high unemployment and rural poverty.

7.   These problems include those associated with rural poverty, malnutrition, population changes and environmental degradation in developing nations.

8.   Most of the loss is attributed to population growth and rural poverty, leading to land clearance for agriculture.

9.   And high rice prices, along with the technological change that doubled and tripled productivity, did much to eradicate grinding rural poverty.

a. + poverty >>共 309
extreme 8.65%
widespread 6.96%
abject 5.13%
rural 4.40%
grinding 4.25%
urban 2.64%
global 2.57%
dire 2.13%
combat 1.98%
desperate 1.76%
rural + n. >>共 841
area 33.77%
community 4.52%
development 2.69%
town 2.58%
village 2.13%
road 1.78%
county 1.52%
district 1.40%
region 1.35%
resident 1.24%
poverty 0.84%
每页显示:    共 60