1.   For a time young Jarratt lived in a rural county, where no minister came near.

2.   Rural counties such as Gwynedd suffer particularly since they often have very low density settlements, rugged terrain and relatively poor roads.

3.   Sparsity of population in some rural counties of Britain can create considerable problems for bus operators.

4.   Representation in the House of Commons was heavily weighted in favor of the rural counties.

5.   This represents in our view a major gap in the strategic policy framework for such an extensive rural county and one which is becoming increasingly in need of filling.

6.   Although the Balanced Budget Act gradually raises the stipend HMOs receive for rural counties, critics doubt that the increase will be enough.

7.   And a rural county tries to make sense of why two of its own were so violently lost.

8.   And as managed care companies pull out of areas due to their ongoing struggles with Medicare, rural counties are often the first to be jettisoned.

9.   Another option would be a pilot program in a rural county, such as Yuma.

10.   As disputes over federal logging policy have cut timbering in some national forests, payments to surrounding rural counties and school districts have fallen.

a. + county >>共 322
rural 7.69%
democratic 5.63%
the 5.06%
surrounding 2.78%
neighboring 2.78%
suburban 2.56%
coastal 2.21%
southern 2.07%
democratic-leaning 1.78%
different 1.64%
rural + n. >>共 841
area 33.77%
community 4.52%
development 2.69%
town 2.58%
village 2.13%
road 1.78%
county 1.52%
district 1.40%
region 1.35%
resident 1.24%
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