1.   Bill Daley is a believer in the steep hill concept of vice presidents running to succeed their presidents.

2.   Davis is now running to succeed Wilson.

3.   Four candidates, all with considerable experience in state government, are running to succeed Rep. Barbara Kennelly.

4.   He is not running for re-election, and Bonior is running to succeed him.

5.   Hoping to continue the Democratic tradition, a black state senator named Louise Lucas ran to succeed him.

6.   If she ran to succeed Helms, she would have the Hillary Clinton geography problem.

7.   Party officials said Munoz Ledo had sniffed at the idea of running to succeed Cardenas as Mexico City mayor, the second most powerful job in the country.

8.   Running to succeed Nancy Kassebaum, the state treasurer from Topeka turned off some voters with a tone described by some as a shrill screech.

9.   Several less fearsome city officials are running to succeed him, but so far public reaction to the lineup has been, shall we say, muted.

10.   That was the last time a vice president ran to succeed a popular president in an economic boom.

v. + succeed >>共 55
run 13.33%
vie 11.11%
promote 7.41%
campaign 5.93%
do 4.44%
maneuver 2.96%
tap 2.96%
will 2.96%
emerge 2.22%
favor 2.22%
run + v. >>共 233
help 4.54%
get 4.07%
catch 2.97%
succeed 2.82%
say 2.03%
try 1.88%
cover 1.72%
keep 1.72%
win 1.72%
be 1.72%
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