1.   However, as we have seen, these are non-renewable and rapidly running out.

2.   The issue is attracting new attention as President Clinton focuses on it and members of Congress warn that time for action is running out in this election year.

3.   The tobacco issue is attracting new attention as President Clinton focuses on it and members of Congress warn that time for action is running out in this election year.

4.   With time running out on the season, there is a chance Knoblauch will not be able to throw pain-free again before the playoffs.

5.   While criticized for producing too much too fast, Haring worked at breakneck pace in part because he knew his time was running out.

v. + out >>共 204
shut 4.51%
play 3.70%
live 2.90%
find 2.58%
look 2.42%
tune 2.42%
get 2.25%
crank 2.25%
carry 2.09%
go 1.93%
run 0.97%
run + v. >>共 127
be 58.76%
back 2.56%
require 1.50%
out 1.28%
help 1.07%
seem 1.07%
water 1.07%
have 0.85%
say 0.85%
take 0.85%
每页显示:    共 6