1.   She hopes to exploit the preferential voting system in the federal elections to unseat the ruling coalition.

2.   Within that ruling coalition was an ongoing struggle between two powerful factions.

3.   They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition.

4.   Following negotiations between the members of the ruling coalition, Franco Carraro was elected in mid-December as the first Socialist mayor of the city.

5.   Leaders of the parties allied with Janata Dal in the ruling National Front coalition expressed their agreement with the action.

6.   The postponement avoided the threatened break-up of the ruling coalition Democratic Liberal Party.

7.   Meciar was replaced by First Deputy Premier Jan Carnogursky, the former dissident lawyer and leader of the Christian Democratic Movement, a junior partner in the ruling coalition.

8.   A political crisis in April split the ruling coalition government, and five PDC ministers were dismissed.

9.   CSU fears that its views were being neglected within the ruling coalition led to suggestions that the CSU should link with the German Social Union in eastern Germany.

10.   Within the ruling coalition, the Liberal Democrats and the Christian Social Union both re-elected their chairs.

a. + coalition >>共 727
ruling 14.46%
governing 9.14%
new 7.51%
international 3.19%
conservative 2.71%
center-left 2.03%
broad 1.97%
fragile 1.65%
leftist 1.51%
us-led 1.34%
ruling + n. >>共 347
party 40.34%
coalition 15.34%
junta 2.90%
family 2.35%
class 2.12%
militant 1.95%
council 1.94%
official 1.94%
elite 1.70%
militia 1.69%
每页显示:    共 914