1.   Methane gas from rubbish tips is another potentially valuable source of energy.

2.   Municipal rubbish tips are some of the most important feeding areas for gulls, crows, vultures and kites.

3.   Others survive by begging, selling trinkets or scavenging on rubbish tips.

4.   The contents were immediately consigned to the rubbish tip and the girl forcibly removed in the direction of the bath huts.

5.   The time has come to find a solution to prevent Britain becoming one big, dangerous rubbish tip.

6.   Trashing lives At night on the city rubbish tip in La Paz, strange things start to happen.

7.   With this rubbish tip of information she then came to me to ask how she could write it up into a dissertation.

8.   During the winter months, great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls.

n. + tip >>共 271
safety 5.69%
rubbish 3.63%
rod 3.00%
finger 2.69%
travel 2.53%
asparagus 2.37%
telephone 2.37%
news 1.58%
branch 1.58%
survival 1.42%
rubbish + n. >>共 38
dump 22.14%
tip 16.43%
bag 7.86%
collection 7.86%
pile 4.29%
heap 3.57%
disposal 3.57%
site 2.14%
chute 2.14%
barrel 1.43%
每页显示:    共 23