1.   A simple cleaning kit for instance can include rubber gloves, disposable masks and goggles if necessary.

2.   As proof, the officer points to a car surrounded by investigators wearing blood-stained rubber gloves.

3.   Dr McIntyre was slowly removing his rubber gloves.

4.   Either wear rubber gloves, or be sure to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling them.

5.   He picked up a rubber glove whose open end was sucking in brown greasy water.

6.   He washed his hands, which felt as if they were dressed in big fat rubber gloves.

7.   I used to use rubber gloves, cutting the palms out for ventilation.

8.   It will initially target the medical community, producing rubber gloves and catheters, he said.

9.   Protect your hands with rubber gloves because it can be a dangerous substance in such a concentrated form.

10.   Then put on your rubber gloves and give the meat a good squeeze with both hands.

n. + glove >>共 94
rubber 37.14%
leather 14.51%
baseball 8.51%
work 4.45%
velvet 3.29%
cotton 3.29%
golf 2.51%
murder 0.97%
crime 0.77%
evidence 0.77%
rubber + n. >>共 436
price 9.95%
glove 8.45%
spatula 7.09%
future 5.33%
boot 4.40%
ball 3.26%
boat 3.08%
raft 2.07%
plantation 2.07%
product 1.50%
每页显示:    共 191