1.   In January, the FAA again roused controversy by proposing a temporary ban on sightseeing flights over Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.

2.   Chitsulo last year roused fierce controversy by saying many lives could have been saved had Maluzi passed a law requiring couples to test for HIV before marrying.

3.   Zeman roused controversy in February, when he was quoted as comparing the Palestinian leader to the Nazi dictator during a two-day official visit to Israel.

4.   Zeman roused controversy in February when he was quoted as comparing the Palestinian leader to the Nazi dictator during a two-day official visit to Israel.

v. + controversy >>共 309
stir 8.76%
spark 7.51%
cause 6.81%
avoid 5.84%
generate 5.51%
create 4.81%
provoke 2.59%
fuel 1.89%
stir_up 1.84%
raise 1.78%
rouse 0.22%
rouse + n. >>共 116
crowd 6.60%
ire 6.09%
interest 5.08%
suspicion 3.55%
resident 3.05%
fear 2.03%
controversy 2.03%
people 2.03%
anger 1.52%
fan 1.52%
每页显示:    共 4