1.   Always write a rough draft of your essay first.

2.   Could it really be the first rough draft of a Euro-constitution?

3.   Could you let me see a rough draft of your report?

4.   First do a rough draft of your essay.

5.   For a while the conditions are so propitious that by spring break I have a rough draft of my book.

6.   One approach to the hypertext-to-text coherence problem is a labor-intensive one and treats the hypertext form as a rough draft.

7.   She cobbled together a rough draft and then rewrote it, trying to remove the more ostentatious signs of plagiarism.

8.   Tanedo works individually with students, helping them brainstorm and write rough drafts.

9.   The rough draft is graded on content, not on grammar.

10.   I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name.

a. + draft >>共 460
first 9.79%
final 6.62%
top 4.86%
new 4.65%
high 3.53%
rough 2.81%
early 2.65%
military 2.57%
amateur 2.17%
earlier 2.09%
rough + n. >>共 651
sea 11.68%
time 4.50%
edge 3.43%
spot 3.07%
terrain 2.71%
weather 2.56%
water 2.53%
ride 2.25%
play 2.20%
start 2.05%
draft 1.79%
每页显示:    共 70