1.   The hexane step was repeated, the decanted hexane pooled, dried on a rotary evaporator and stored.

2.   The extracted supernatants were pooled, in a clean round bottom flask and dried using a rotary evaporator.

3.   The methanolic eluates were pooled in the original round bottomed flask and dried on a rotary evaporator.

4.   The unconjugated fractions were dried on a rotary evaporator and taken up in methanol as required.

rotary + n. >>共 66
club 10.93%
dial 10.38%
phone 10.38%
beater 4.92%
telephone 4.92%
blade 4.37%
tool 3.83%
mower 2.73%
evaporator 2.19%
meeting 2.19%
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