1.   Although networks largely recognize numbers through a combination of tones, most can still recognize the series of interrupted pulses in the electrical circuit generated by rotary dials.

2.   A rotary dial gives one the luxury of such considerations.

3.   All you need is a telephone, even an old-fashioned rotary dial phone.

4.   Could the phone keypad soon go the way of the rotary dial?

5.   Esther asks on her hardware, a black phone with a rotary dial.

6.   Henderson glanced back down at a charred rotary dial.

7.   I used the most common dimmer type, a rotary dial controls made with a push button on-and-off feature.

8.   Is the industrial age invention of the weekend going the way of the rotary dial telephone?

9.   It takes a looooong time for a rotary dial phone to spin even if the numbers were on the short end of the dial.

10.   Nevertheless, in just a few years, the mere wireless phone may very well seem as dated as a rotary dial.

a. + dial >>共 63
rotary 18.45%
direct 7.77%
black 2.91%
old-fashioned 2.91%
round 2.91%
white 2.91%
automatic 1.94%
international 1.94%
large 1.94%
little 1.94%
rotary + n. >>共 66
club 10.93%
dial 10.38%
phone 10.38%
beater 4.92%
telephone 4.92%
blade 4.37%
tool 3.83%
mower 2.73%
evaporator 2.19%
meeting 2.19%
每页显示:    共 19