1.   The roses bloom into November, nourished by lots of rain.

2.   And some nights a rose blooms in the desert, other nights in the Bronx.

3.   He said his roses are blooming, so he bought some small Heidi cherry blossom plants to line the perimeter.

4.   In another, a rose blooms in the middle of winter.

5.   Red roses bloom in the garden there and now Dace brings bouquets to Alexei as a reminder of the world beyond this cramped hospital cocoon.

6.   Roses are blooming in the back yard.

7.   Roses bloomed outside empty, often fire-scarred homes, adding gentle color to the eerily silent scenery.

8.   The mysterious and wonderful life force that makes roses bloom is the very force that connects us all, says best-selling self-help author Wayne Dyer.

9.   Now, roses bloom among weeds in deserted courtyards.

10.   The ivy still grows high on the walls, and roses bloom in all colors.

n. + bloom >>共 223
flower 10.36%
plant 4.50%
tree 2.93%
romance 2.25%
rose 2.25%
tulip 2.25%
violet 1.80%
wildflower 1.80%
love 1.58%
blossom 1.35%
rose + v. >>共 146
be 36.36%
have 3.03%
come 2.78%
bloom 2.53%
need 2.27%
grow 2.02%
lie 2.02%
do 1.26%
like 1.26%
seek 1.26%
每页显示:    共 10