1.   More water is furnished by the root cells to the xylem.

2.   Thus an unbroken column of water extends in the tree from the root cells to the leaf cells.

3.   During this process, as the roots cells are crushed, volatile oils known as isothiocyanate are released.

4.   In plants that lacked the targeting signals, the compounds remained in the root cells.

n. + cell >>共 432
cancer 15.01%
brain 12.17%
jail 7.71%
prison 6.97%
tumor 3.43%
skin 3.37%
muscle 2.81%
police 1.83%
heart 1.45%
islet 1.39%
root 0.15%
root + n. >>共 143
cause 30.74%
vegetable 7.79%
ball 6.20%
growth 3.90%
end 3.75%
package 3.46%
server 2.74%
problem 2.60%
rot 1.88%
zone 1.59%
cell 0.72%
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