1.   But even as Georgia gets tougher on sentencing inmates and requiring them to serve more of their sentences, probation rolls continue to swell.

2.   Friday night, the roll continued.

3.   The roll continued after he hit the PGA.

4.   Though unemployment was rising, the welfare rolls continued to fall, in some places sharply.

5.   Friends and family hope the roll continues.

6.   His roll did not continue Sunday.

n. + continue >>共 1148
company 2.49%
investigation 2.20%
talk 1.81%
government 1.60%
economy 1.56%
investor 1.34%
trend 1.31%
negotiation 1.22%
price 1.20%
violence 1.07%
roll 0.01%
roll + v. >>共 125
be 24.66%
shrink 4.45%
drop 3.77%
go 2.05%
continue 2.05%
say 2.05%
sound 2.05%
swell 1.71%
begin 1.71%
grow 1.37%
每页显示:    共 6