1.   Authentic role plays, perhaps in conjunction with CCTV, to develop customer care skills should be incorporated in its use.

2.   Their spokesman acknowledged the valuable role played by the Friends but argued the letters bordered on blackmail.

3.   A final article reconstructed what happened at the park that night and what role Jewell had played in alerting police to the pipe bomb and evacuating the area.

4.   But it remained unclear exactly what role the commission would play.

5.   But it remains unclear what role Pitofsky will play in the Chevron-Texaco deal, because it is by no means certain he will remain at the agency.

6.   Collins said it is still unclear what role Bush will play in helping the GOP raise soft money.

7.   It is not yet clear what role, if any, Hender will play after that.

8.   It is unclear exactly what role Trump might play in the stadium project.

n. + play >>共 1277
team 11.01%
child 3.00%
band 2.59%
player 1.90%
kid 1.36%
woman 1.22%
guy 1.12%
people 1.04%
chance 1.00%
music 0.99%
role 0.23%
role + v. >>共 256
be 52.54%
change 2.02%
become 1.92%
play 1.78%
seem 1.73%
have 1.73%
require 1.63%
go 1.54%
come 1.30%
remain 1.10%
每页显示:    共 37