1.   But prions can fold in an aberrant shape to become a rogue agent, forcing normal prions to change into the disease-causing shape.

2.   But security experts have denounced this plan, saying it would be hard to prevent the spare keys from falling into the hands of hackers or rogue government agents.

3.   But, they say, it was by rogue agents acting on their own.

4.   For this edited account, the rogue Secret Service agents need some fleshing out, as does a private bank investigator named Jo Ann Lemont.

5.   He also said Azima has been linked to business dealings with rogue former CIA agent Edwin Wilson, who is now in jail.

6.   In other instances, rogue FBI agents grew so close to those feeding them information that they allegedly aided in the commission of crimes.

7.   Moxon and other church lawyers said the church needed to use private investigators to counter lies spread by rogue government agents.

8.   NCAA president Gene Corrigan concedes that his organization is virtually powerless to stop rogue agents.

9.   One role is Gabriel Yulaw, rogue agent for the Multiverse Bureau of Investigation.

10.   Stern continued to insist that the actions of rogue agents did not provide Flemmi or his co-defendants with a valid legal basis for challenging the charges brought against them.

n. + agent >>共 435
security 14.37%
intelligence 10.66%
government 6.02%
custom 4.42%
enforcement 4.02%
sport 3.42%
drug 3.40%
law 2.82%
immigration 2.40%
nerve 2.40%
rogue 0.62%
rogue + n. >>共 226
state 19.95%
nation 9.35%
trader 5.47%
agent 3.19%
element 2.96%
cop 2.51%
regime 2.28%
program 2.17%
protein 2.17%
officer 1.71%
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