1.   It goes down equally well in roadside cafes and high class restaurants.

2.   After parking near a roadside cafe, we walked through the already darkening forest and out onto a boardwalk that shielded the fragile wetland.

3.   It has become a electronic bookstore, schoolroom and roadside cafe.

4.   Konstantin Ernst, a filmmaker and television executive, joined the trend and recently opened Shinok, whose name means roadside cafe in Ukrainian.

5.   That, at least, was the impression from a score of conversations with the well-heeled motorcycle set at a roadside cafe here the other day.

6.   The diners and the roadside cafes are mostly gone, but Will Anderson headed out to find them anyway.

7.   Others relaxed in full view in roadside cafes or in sandbagged but loosely guarded fortifications.

8.   Police initially arrested those trying to sell the material at a roadside cafe who led them to another suspect who kept the uranium in his house.

9.   A half dozen roadside cafes have sprung up around the checkpoint, offering those waiting sandwiches, cans of food, soda and chocolate.

10.   And they helped make Viagra the subject of cartoons and a source of debate in roadside cafes, mosques and the Egyptian Parliament.

a. + cafe >>共 288
outdoor 13.27%
small 4.83%
local 4.10%
nearby 2.65%
open-air 2.29%
new 2.17%
little 2.17%
roadside 2.17%
downtown 2.05%
crowded 2.05%
roadside + n. >>共 305
bomb 36.39%
stand 4.08%
ambush 3.64%
bombing 1.97%
assistance 1.82%
attraction 1.67%
vendor 1.31%
cafe 1.31%
restaurant 1.31%
motel 1.24%
每页显示:    共 18