1.   The database approach is long term and costly, and therefore top management should not risk its failure by sticking to outdated methods of applications development.

2.   And of course, if you launch at that speed, you take risks and you risk failure.

3.   AOL Time Warner and other competitors take more risks and strive for bigger payoffs, though they also risk bigger failures.

4.   Detractors accuse him of using the pseudonym because he is too chicken to risk failure with a rock album under his own name.

5.   He was not eager to risk failure again.

6.   If we Europeans convince ourselves that not advancing further along the path to unity is tantamount to failure, we risk snatching failure from the jaws of success.

7.   Prominent researchers and journalists warned that national leaders who fail to acknowledge the role of religion in particular may risk failure in negotiations.

8.   Risk failure, risk criticism, risk losing it all.

9.   The rationale has been that they dare not risk failure and lay their prestige hostage to the calculations and passions of foreign leaders.

10.   The study concluded that reintroducing wolves there would risk failure in the end.

v. + failure >>共 339
follow 7.34%
blame 6.16%
cause 5.31%
suffer 3.87%
include 3.41%
have 3.02%
cite 2.43%
admit 1.70%
experience 1.70%
risk 1.51%
risk + n. >>共 663
life 19.83%
injury 3.20%
arrest 2.50%
loss 2.23%
death 1.88%
wrath 1.53%
money 1.14%
damage 1.14%
failure 1.01%
career 0.88%
每页显示:    共 23