1.   And each time politics as usual has won out, the index of cynicism and anger only rises another notch.

2.   Hooper asked, his deep, monotone mumble rising a notch.

3.   She rose a notch to become an interviewer of job applicants in a hospital personnel department.

4.   Tension also rose a notch further Wednesday in Greece after Albania expelled four Greek journalists.

5.   Tension rose a notch further Wednesday in Greece after Albania expelled four Greek journalists.

v. + notch >>共 51
up 11.67%
cut 10.83%
slip 9.17%
drop 7.50%
have 5.83%
carve 4.17%
rise 4.17%
close 2.50%
put 2.50%
rank 2.50%
rise + n. >>共 324
price 19.54%
cost 10.72%
most 5.39%
yield 3.20%
rate 2.90%
demand 2.78%
tension 2.07%
unemployment 1.84%
star 1.66%
crime 1.48%
notch 0.30%
每页显示:    共 5