1.   I rinsed the sponge as well as I could, lathered it, squeezed much black water out of it.

2.   Dip a sponge in this solution, squeeze almost dry and wipe the floor, rinsing the sponge in clear water before proceeding.

3.   Rinse the sponge in clean water frequently.

4.   Rinse the sponge frequently.

v. + sponge >>共 60
dip 9.89%
use 8.79%
rinse 4.40%
saturate 3.30%
insert 3.30%
resemble 3.30%
leave 2.20%
make 2.20%
prepare 2.20%
put 2.20%
rinse + n. >>共 160
chicken 5.20%
bean 2.75%
mouth 2.75%
dish 2.45%
turkey 2.45%
shrimp 2.45%
fish 2.45%
hand 2.14%
piece 1.83%
rice 1.53%
sponge 1.22%
每页显示:    共 4