1.   As the government attacks continue and fears of rights violations grow, foreign monitors and aid workers say their movements are being restricted by Serbian authorities.

2.   But Hamilton predicted little effect on other federal statutes, saying Congress can still legislate to correct or prevent constitutional rights violations.

3.   Clayton argues that no one complains about rights violations when they are licensed to drive vehicles, to hunt or to perform other tasks.

4.   Despite the rights violation, however, the appeals court said the error of allowing the prosecution was harmless.

5.   Gore makes only passing references to rights violations, chiding China for its record but insisting that engagement with China is the best way to bring about change.

6.   How tough should Bush be in condemning rights violations, at the potential cost of cooperative relations in other spheres?

7.   However, the appellate courts are restricted to examining only the deportation process, not questions of constitutional rights violations.

8.   Icanet is leading a petition drive urging Congress and the United Nations to condemn the rights violations.

9.   Kovalev, who was in Chechnya on a fact-finding tour, complained of gross human- rights violations by Russian trops and issued an appeal for United Nations intervention.

10.   Numerous reports of rebel violence against civilians in Sierra Leone have circulated, but in a report the mission describes systematic rights violations by both insurgents and peacekeepers.

n. + violation >>共 310
traffic 7.40%
safety 5.15%
rule 5.11%
cease-fire 4.34%
immigration 4.34%
code 4.25%
right 4.21%
security 3.56%
ceasefire 3.35%
law 3.19%
right + n. >>共 364
group 26.20%
activist 13.66%
advocate 6.96%
issue 5.19%
abuse 3.83%
violation 2.54%
movement 2.25%
supporter 2.00%
organization 2.00%
bill 2.00%
每页显示:    共 102