1.   Fred Titmus bowled the right sort of ball and I smashed it in the direction of the pavilion.

2.   In addition, she knew that ours was the kind of show which would give her the right sort of outlet.

3.   It should sell like hot cakes if I knock it into the right sort of shape.

4.   Once some one has established themselves as being the right sort of chap, then their name crops up time and again.

5.   Only Humphrey Bogart, in his later years, could bring the right sort of edge to this amoral, curmudgeonly character.

6.   She employed a consultant to ensure she and her husband received the right sort of coverage.

7.   Wearing the right sort of clothing could save your life.

8.   With a stout ship and the right sort of clothes to withstand the weather some good cruising can be enjoyed.

9.   Be careful that you put across the right sort of image at your interview.

10.   He seemed to be just the right sort for the job.

a. + sort >>共 536
same 21.34%
different 17.89%
right 2.43%
new 1.82%
worst 1.62%
odd 1.28%
similar 1.08%
wrong 0.95%
strange 0.88%
a 0.68%
right + n. >>共 605
knee 6.64%
thing 5.55%
shoulder 3.92%
time 3.52%
leg 3.26%
foot 3.22%
arm 3.13%
direction 2.92%
ankle 2.81%
place 2.25%
sort 0.13%
每页显示:    共 36