1.   And Lord said the president stressed that China needed to make more progress in the area of intellectual rights protection as a step toward its goal.

2.   According to the amendment language, the only way to adopt gay rights protection in Colorado would be through a new constitutional amendment.

3.   But parts of plan seem more like Growing Faster or Growing Easier, with economic development and property rights protections.

4.   In outlining those changes, he said it was time for Israel to have a constitution that would give it a fuller panoply of equal rights protections.

5.   The software industry should also benefit because of new intellectual property rights protections that will crack down on pirated software.

6.   The U.S. also accuses Korea of violating intellectual property rights protections.

7.   Promote policies to ensure that women enjoy full legal and civil rights protection.

8.   China and the United States have been trading threats of sanctions over intellectual property rights protection for years.

9.   China has blamed the United States for failing to recognize its progress in improving intellectual property rights protection.

10.   China and the United States have been wrangling over intellectual property rights protection for many years.

n. + protection >>共 435
bankruptcy 22.63%
police 11.17%
court 5.99%
consumer 4.62%
privacy 2.91%
pass 2.44%
investment 2.21%
government 2.10%
property 2.07%
fire 1.74%
right 0.87%
right + n. >>共 364
group 26.20%
activist 13.66%
advocate 6.96%
issue 5.19%
abuse 3.83%
violation 2.54%
movement 2.25%
supporter 2.00%
organization 2.00%
bill 2.00%
protection 0.77%
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