1.   The SAS of the animal rights movement.

2.   Also a resident of Saugerties, has been active in the National Rifle Association and the property rights movement.

3.   But this added fuel to the auto rights movement.

4.   Civil rights movement?

5.   It changed when it dedicated itself to social justice during the Civil War and, again, during the civil rights movement.

6.   So if either the Teamsters or Wyser-Pratte pulls off an upset, look for the shareholder rights movement to visit a courtroom near you.

v. + movement >>共 697
restrict 4.23%
track 3.38%
monitor 3.11%
control 2.86%
limit 2.09%
allow 1.98%
have 1.95%
see 1.92%
join 1.48%
detect 1.40%
right 0.16%
right + n. >>共 173
wrong 19.55%
ship 7.27%
group 5.23%
economy 3.18%
activist 2.27%
advocate 2.27%
tackle 2.05%
issue 1.59%
movement 1.36%
back 1.36%
每页显示:    共 6