1.   This biopsy was taken from the anterior surface of the right lobe of the liver.

2.   The right lobe of the liver and cerebrospinal fluid in the spinal cord are also easily seen.

3.   We have experienced one death related to the procedure in a patient with coagulopathy, massive ascites, and a shrunken right lobe of liver.

4.   Since the brain is connected to the body in a crisscrossed fashion, the theory is that lefties give their right lobes more exercise.

5.   The three right lobes of that peculiar little gland had malignant growths.

a. + lobe >>共 33
left 14.00%
lower 10.00%
right 10.00%
prefrontal 8.00%
bloated 2.00%
bright 2.00%
damaged 2.00%
distal 2.00%
distinct 2.00%
dorsal 2.00%
right + n. >>共 605
knee 6.64%
thing 5.55%
shoulder 3.92%
time 3.52%
leg 3.26%
foot 3.22%
arm 3.13%
direction 2.92%
ankle 2.81%
place 2.25%
lobe 0.02%
每页显示:    共 5