1.   Allen also skewers the media executives who are getting rich off this stuff.

2.   But increasingly, home health has attracted entrepreneurs angling to get rich off a multibillion-dollar system that has little oversight.

3.   But people, when they get rich off our system of government and American way of life, they should always give back.

4.   Everyone at this table knows that Weil has already become very rich off it, and now there is a chance for others to become so as well.

5.   His political opponents may call mayoral candidate Tom Ammiano a big-spending liberal, but no one can accuse him of getting rich off public office.

6.   In addition to tax breaks, corporations can also significantly cut their labor costs as employees, eager to get rich off their options demand less in cash compensation.

7.   Liberals say conservatives just want to get rich off the sweat of poor people.

8.   Nobody got rich off this.

9.   No one gets rich off these games.

10.   No, Don King should be the one to get rich off the blood and sweat of black fighters.

a. + off >>共 499
better 46.46%
worse 7.02%
stretchered 2.54%
fresh 2.00%
sealed 1.43%
single 1.11%
high 1.04%
cut 0.97%
slow 0.89%
well 0.82%
rich 0.68%
rich + p. >>共 28
with 41.24%
as 12.04%
from 10.80%
by 7.43%
on 6.73%
for 5.13%
off 3.36%
through 2.65%
at 1.42%
beyond 1.24%
每页显示:    共 19