1.   Death is caused by a heart rhythm abnormality in which synchronized electrical rhythm is replaced by electrical chaos.

2.   Heart enlargement can lead to dangerous rhythm abnormalities and heart failure.

3.   Seldane can cause fatal heart rhythm abnormalities, particularly when taken with other drugs, the agency said.

4.   The cause of the rhythm abnormalities is unknown, he said.

5.   The implanted ones work automatically if a serious rhythm abnormality develops, giving an electric jolt if necessary.

6.   The study, the first to examine the timing of rhythm abnormalities, appears in the current issue of the journal Circulation.

7.   A variety of complications are possible immediately after a bypass, including bleeding and heart rhythm abnormalities.

8.   Arrhythmia is a heart rhythm abnormality that can be fatal.

9.   But they cautioned that a variety of complications are possible immediately after a bypass, including bleeding and heart rhythm abnormalities.

10.   It uses a powerful burst of electricity to restore the heart to a normal beat after cardiac arrest or other rhythm abnormalities.

n. + abnormality >>共 46
brain 17.36%
heart 12.40%
rhythm 8.26%
blood 4.96%
chromosome 3.31%
climate 3.31%
thyroid 3.31%
testosterone 3.31%
heart-rhythm 3.31%
birth 2.48%
rhythm + n. >>共 52
section 36.79%
guitarist 7.25%
guitar 6.22%
track 6.22%
abnormality 5.18%
disturbance 3.63%
problem 3.11%
going 2.59%
stick 2.59%
instrument 2.07%
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