1.   Bill and his men would retreat to the rhododendron bushes and radio to the sniper teams on the roof.

2.   I could see a bit of the drive through the rhododendron bushes and the trees.

3.   In the churchyard a massive rhododendron bush provides a vivid splash of mauve to churchgoers and passers-by during the early summer.

4.   People were everywhere, walking, fishing, boating, following nature trails past rhododendron bushes and azalea shrubs.

5.   For years it was hidden behind other trees and rhododendron bushes.

6.   It rebounded off a tree into a rhododendron bush, from where he took four more to hole out.

n. + bush >>共 90
thorn 8.41%
blueberry 7.96%
blackberry 4.87%
azalea 3.98%
coca 3.98%
holly 3.54%
berry 3.54%
juniper 3.10%
oleander 3.10%
rhododendron 3.10%
rhododendron + n. >>共 11
bush 36.84%
blossom 10.53%
leaf 10.53%
collection 5.26%
echo 5.26%
family 5.26%
festival 5.26%
heavy 5.26%
hedge 5.26%
stock 5.26%
每页显示:    共 7