1.   Clearly, revisionist thinking is a wonderful thing and I see many possibilities for it outside the field of history.

2.   Domestic relationships would certainly benefit from a dose of revisionist thinking.

3.   For all its revisionist thinking, the court majority somehow avoided providing much concrete guidance for the district court and the parties in the case.

4.   Now, after a considerable amount of revisionist thinking, Greenspan has become something of an economic hero in the White House.

5.   Simmons said most fashion periods go through such revisionist thinking.

6.   Such revisionist thinking overlooks the fact that Arthur was also a button-down mainstream get-the-capital-circulating modern man.

7.   The trick to revisionist thinking, as with other forms of thinking, is coming up with the idea first.

8.   This is of tremendous value for people like me who are long removed from college and have not always kept pace with the latest revisionist thinking.

n. + thinking >>共 87
government 15.82%
time 6.33%
revisionist 5.06%
way 3.16%
administration 2.53%
security 2.53%
trouble 2.53%
difficulty 1.90%
conspiracy 1.90%
old-school 1.90%
revisionist + n. >>共 65
history 20.75%
view 11.95%
historian 9.43%
thinking 5.03%
theory 3.77%
argument 2.52%
school 1.89%
work 1.89%
analysis 1.26%
attitude 1.26%
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