1.   Improved revenue collection will help finance better conservation measures.

2.   And revenue collection also depends on dates.

3.   And she noted that almost every state agency spends money on federal revenue collection, whether the work is done by state employees or private contractors.

4.   Advocates said it would increase revenue collection and put an end to many Internal Revenue Service policies.

5.   Growing welfare expenditures in many states have outpaced overall growth in revenue collections.

6.   He also cited planned consolidations of revenue collections and the permit and licensing process in agencies like the Department of Buildings.

7.   Increase tax revenue collection.

8.   Lottery, motor vehicle fees and transfer inheritance revenue collections fell short of state projections, however.

9.   Moreover, when the capital gains tax rate was increased, revenue collections suffered.

10.   On Friday, a group of state economists and others will revise their estimate of state revenue collections.

n. + collection >>共 471
tax 18.45%
art 7.44%
garbage 4.77%
fall 3.82%
datum 3.49%
revenue 3.20%
spring 3.00%
museum 1.68%
signature 1.60%
weapon 1.52%
revenue + n. >>共 335
growth 14.31%
stream 8.22%
source 6.77%
shortfall 3.88%
collection 3.52%
loss 3.02%
figure 2.98%
projection 2.89%
estimate 2.48%
increase 2.17%
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