1.   Among those are biometric devices like iris-recognition systems and retinal scanners, which require people entering a secure area to submit their faces for electronic scanning.

2.   During the past year, banks have experimented with retinal scanners, voice-recognition devices and other security technologies.

3.   High-technology companies from Israel are trying to interest American partners in data-protection technologies and biometric security devices like retinal scanners and facial-recognition systems.

4.   The exhibition has the latest security technology, including a retinal scanner used to identify people by scanning their eyes.

a. + scanner >>共 117
optical 10.14%
electronic 6.16%
hand-held 5.80%
new 4.71%
digital 3.62%
infrared 3.26%
duplex 2.17%
special 2.17%
sheet-fed 1.81%
handheld 1.81%
retinal 1.45%
retinal + n. >>共 44
cell 12.62%
detachment 8.74%
scan 7.77%
hemorrhage 5.83%
surgeon 4.85%
damage 3.88%
display 3.88%
scanner 3.88%
surgery 2.91%
tissue 2.91%
每页显示:    共 4