1.   New technology makes possible the creation of a national identity card that is protected by retina scans, fingerprinting, encrypted biometric identifiers and other security precautions.

2.   Of late, politicians have been disavowing the concept and fact of national ID cards, retina scans and tattoos to catalog the U.S. workforce.

3.   Foreign visitors and students would have to start carrying tamperproof passports and visas with identifiers such as retina scans under a border security bill being debated by Congress.

4.   They also must take a retina scan for positive identification.

5.   They must submit to meticulous security checks, including retina scans, and are not allowed to bring anything, not even a pen, to the island.

n. + scan >>共 66
bone 30.33%
ultrasound 13.27%
lung 3.32%
body 2.84%
iris 2.37%
heart 2.37%
retina 2.37%
hospital 1.90%
full-body 1.90%
port 1.90%
retina + n. >>共 14
scan 20.83%
specialist 16.67%
damage 8.33%
device 8.33%
operation 8.33%
capability 4.17%
infection 4.17%
injury 4.17%
lie 4.17%
pattern 4.17%
每页显示:    共 5