1.   Finance is again king, cemented by romanticism about retaining political sovereignty over the pound and laced with not a little xenophobia.

2.   At Camp David, Barak tentatively agreed to the notion that the Palestinians could be granted religious sovereignty over the mount, with the Israelis retaining political sovereignty.

3.   Even after its troops withdrew, Germany would have retained sovereignty over the territory it had annexed.

4.   If Russia is to retain sovereignty, it must take responsibility for law and order within its borders.

5.   Israel, while grudgingly accommodating Palestinian voters, retains full sovereignty and wants to keep it that way.

6.   Our American allies on the other hand, retain their sovereignty even while they are on our soil.

7.   The fate of national history in countries incorporated into others in the Communist era was even harsher than in those that retained their sovereignty, however limited.

8.   -- Insist that Israel will retain sovereignty in Jerusalem and the Golan Heights.

9.   - Insist Israel will retain sovereignty in the Golan Heights and in Jerusalem.

10.   Ahmed Qureia said Israel offered the Palestinians custodianship over Haram el-Sharif, the mosque compound, but insisted on retaining sovereignty.

v. + sovereignty >>共 176
claim 20.88%
violate 8.34%
recognize 6.89%
have 3.05%
retain 2.83%
regain 2.39%
relinquish 2.18%
resume 2.10%
cite 1.89%
demand 1.67%
retain + n. >>共 1042
control 10.10%
right 5.05%
title 4.06%
power 3.64%
post 2.56%
position 2.02%
seat 1.64%
ownership 1.37%
job 1.32%
name 1.13%
sovereignty 0.62%
每页显示:    共 39