1.   And even though the survivors are easily fertilized, the resulting embryos rarely develop properly.

2.   Advanced Cell scientists would then attempt to extract stem cells from the resulting embryos.

3.   Eighteen of the resulting embryos survived in the laboratory for eight to nine days until they were ready to be transferred to surrogate mothers.

4.   George Annas of Boston University said the American Society of Reproductive Medicine will soon detail its objections, which are based on hazards for the resulting embryos.

5.   He inserted them into pig eggs and transferred the resulting embryos into surrogate mothers, who gave birth to the four cloned piglets.

6.   That plan is mating highly selected male and female cattle, then duplicating the resulting embryo hundreds of times.

7.   The resulting embryo is returned to her uterus by a catheter inserted through the vagina.

8.   The resulting embryos are called parthenotes.

9.   The resulting embryos develop right in the pouch, protected by a collection of bent spines that keeps predators from reaching them.

a. + embryo >>共 173
human 39.39%
frozen 8.10%
cloned 6.80%
early 2.79%
surplus 2.14%
developing 1.86%
resulting 1.77%
discarded 1.77%
new 1.40%
leftover 1.30%
resulting + n. >>共 969
company 1.51%
image 1.32%
penalty 1.12%
increase 1.02%
embryo 0.93%
product 0.88%
fire 0.78%
shortage 0.78%
price 0.78%
explosion 0.73%
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