1.   Schools and classrooms can be restructured to allow students greater participation in the valid aspects of the school-governing process.

2.   If passed, financial interest would be restructured to allow talent agencies the opportunity to invest in a film or television production.

3.   State oil company Petroecuador will be restructured to allow foreign oil companies to compete with it and will later be sold.

4.   Tenaga, however, must first restructure to allow the new division to become the Grid System Manager.

v. + allow >>共 404
say 6.05%
postpone 2.87%
suspend 2.18%
open 2.08%
close 1.88%
delay 1.78%
will 1.78%
pass 1.78%
be 1.68%
reach 1.39%
restructure 0.40%
restructure + v. >>共 65
make 7.41%
become 4.63%
improve 4.63%
allow 3.70%
meet 3.70%
reduce 3.70%
be 2.78%
include 2.78%
enable 1.85%
focus 1.85%
每页显示:    共 4