1.   He talked primarily of restoring national unity and ending waste and inefficiency.

2.   Meanwhile, Crenshaw was left with six weeks to restore team unity before the United States faces Europe, which has won the last two Ryder Cups.

3.   Melamed said he will try to restore membership unity and reverse the sagging trading volume and seat prices that he blamed in part on leadership decisions.

4.   On the heels of the Ukrainian results, Gorbachev and Yeltsin met separately with the Soviet military general staff, each making a different appeal for restoring unity.

5.   In a victory speech Sunday, Chirac hammered home the theme of restoring unity within France after the divisive candidacy of Le Pen.

6.   The United States and Britain hailed the vote as a sign that unity had been restored in the Security Council on the contentious issue of Iraq.

7.   The United States and Britain hailed the vote as a sign that unity had been restored in the council on the contentious issue of Iraq.

8.   Following his return to power, Chavez promised to hold dialogues with opposition forces to restore national unity, but the rapprochement has yet to materialize.

9.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, meanwhile, said he would send an envoy to Yemen after a ceasefire to help reconcile warring parties and restore unity.

10.   UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, meanwhile, said that he would send an envoy to Yemen after a ceasefire to help reconcile warring parties and restore unity.

v. + unity >>共 186
promote 6.57%
threaten 5.76%
maintain 5.63%
preserve 4.69%
show 4.16%
achieve 2.55%
demonstrate 2.28%
strengthen 2.14%
undermine 2.01%
seek 2.01%
restore 1.47%
restore + n. >>共 1112
order 11.21%
confidence 8.91%
power 4.66%
calm 3.56%
peace 3.21%
democracy 3.04%
service 2.50%
stability 1.94%
rule 1.60%
electricity 1.23%
unity 0.13%
每页显示:    共 11