1.   Similar strategies may eventually also allow screening for NHPCC, peutz-jeghers, and juvenile polyposis one the responsible genes have been identified.

2.   If the PGA genes are on the average linked to one of responsible genes for duodenal ulcer, the association is expected to vary among populations.

3.   Research on the family has enabled scientists to identify a defective gene responsible for causing the disease.

4.   A mutant mouse can do it, and scientists announce they have cloned the responsible gene.

5.   A major goal of the genome project is to understand and decipher the human genetic code, identifying genes responsible for particular diseases.

6.   Claire-King and colleagues at the UW are trying to track down the genes responsible for breast cancer.

7.   Doctors hope one day to replace the faulty genes responsible for illnesses like cystic fibrosis.

8.   He says those are the genes responsible for making all your body parts what they are.

9.   Millennium seeks to identify genes responsible for common major diseases.

a. + gene >>共 599
human 9.94%
new 4.03%
single 3.81%
defective 3.26%
mutated 2.57%
same 2.44%
specific 2.19%
mutant 2.19%
different 1.80%
responsible 1.59%
responsible + n. >>共 710
official 5.72%
agency 3.40%
people 3.34%
minister 3.34%
person 3.15%
man 2.83%
group 2.41%
company 1.83%
party 1.64%
one 1.61%
gene 1.19%
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