1.   An outside problem can sometimes be helped by, say, more flexible working hours and so be resolved at management level.

2.   Such issues can only be resolved at local level.

3.   However this was a matter which he thought might be resolved at the trial.

4.   Parishioners of Saint John the Baptist are so divided on the issue that the dispute is having to be resolved at a church court.

5.   Although producers assume much of the responsibility for putting a story together, the thorny questions and ethical issues are resolved at a higher level.

6.   A. You have touched on a very important problem, which must be resolved immediately at the very highest government level.

7.   But if contested, the court will issue a temporary child-support order until the case is resolved at a later hearing.

8.   But many divisive issues remain to be resolved at the six-day assembly, which begins Monday.

9.   He said creditors want the remaining debt converted into Eurobonds or another secure instrument, a demand Russia may grant if other issues are resolved at talks beginning Tuesday.

a. + at >>共 1015
available 7.61%
present 4.05%
surprised 2.72%
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resolved + p. >>共 41
in 26.61%
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with 8.43%
without 7.11%
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within 4.74%
to 2.77%
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