1.   But the problems incurred by absence for training and generally recognised low staff morale make it difficult to resolve the situation.

2.   Do you feel you have fully resolved that situation?

3.   Female speaker A team of negotiators are working to resolve the situation.

4.   Once he was able to communicate his feelings, he and his wife were able to resolve the situation.

5.   She assumed that this would resolve the situation.

6.   We hope they will be able to resolve the situation without resort to force.

7.   We wanted to resolve the situation peacefully.

8.   We will resolve this situation, Dimitri Dimitrovitch.

9.   A team of negotiators are working to resolve the situation.

10.   Although he was hoping to resolve his situation with the Kings on Tuesday, Michael Barnett, his agent, said it could last much longer.

v. + situation >>共 580
discuss 10.56%
monitor 5.53%
handle 4.70%
assess 4.62%
improve 2.89%
review 2.41%
calm 2.08%
defuse 1.84%
describe 1.81%
resolve 1.68%
resolve + n. >>共 308
dispute 19.82%
issue 11.54%
problem 10.84%
difference 10.74%
conflict 8.82%
crisis 7.20%
matter 3.46%
case 2.08%
situation 1.86%
question 1.78%
每页显示:    共 117