1.   Talks on the issue in January failed to resolve the row.

2.   Talks between the two countries, held under WTO procedures, had so far failed to resolve the row.

3.   Foreign Minister Alex Barlett, an MEF leader, and MEF spokesman Andrew Nori tried to negotiate with the groups late Friday to resolve the row.

4.   He added the situation in east Germany was special after he failed in talks Friday with Van Miert to resolve the row.

5.   He said only negotiations involving the Kashmiris and the Indian and Pakistani governments would resolve the row over Kashmir.

6.   In February, Ravalomanana declared himself president and named a rival government after saying talks had failed to resolve the row.

7.   Intense negotiations have failed to resolve the row, and it was feared Florence would be totally overshadowed by the affair.

8.   A government spokesman said both sides had gone into the negotiations to resolve the row over air traffic rights, but he refused to provide further details.

9.   A half-year diplomatic standoff ensued, with both sides exchanging increasingly hostile language until a series of high-level visits resolved the row.

10.   A third-party forensic panel is to be constituted to resolve the row.

v. + row >>共 251
have 10.01%
sit 4.60%
follow 4.19%
settle 3.92%
resolve 3.92%
defuse 3.79%
spark 3.79%
end 2.44%
see 1.62%
plant 1.49%
resolve + n. >>共 308
dispute 19.82%
issue 11.54%
problem 10.84%
difference 10.74%
conflict 8.82%
crisis 7.20%
matter 3.46%
case 2.08%
situation 1.86%
question 1.78%
row 0.46%
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