1.   After coming to power, President Clinton tried to resolve the conflict.

2.   Changes are limited to internal sub-units, focusing on improving leadership styles, building teamwork, and resolving intergroup conflict.

3.   Congressmen called for a third meeting to resolve the conflict.

4.   In resolving these conflicts, the courts establish legal principles that apply to similar cases.

5.   It involves the child in the process of solving the problem or resolving the conflict.

6.   It is only good for learning weights, and weights are not always a reliable way to resolve conflicts.

7.   Most labour directors have resolved this conflict by operating as responsible managers rather than as worker agents perse.

8.   People have become used to employing violence as a means of resolving conflict or asserting power over others.

9.   Resolving this conflict was critical in fully accepting the responsibility in being a manager and developing credibility.

10.   The absence of detailed case law has meant that there are no established rules to resolve conflicts.

v. + conflict >>共 478
resolve 14.18%
end 12.00%
avoid 5.26%
settle 3.94%
solve 2.73%
prevent 2.73%
have 2.70%
see 2.22%
discuss 2.10%
create 1.84%
resolve + n. >>共 308
dispute 19.82%
issue 11.54%
problem 10.84%
difference 10.74%
conflict 8.82%
crisis 7.20%
matter 3.46%
case 2.08%
situation 1.86%
question 1.78%
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